Monday, March 11, 2013

The perfect 10

Somehow, it happened. Officially, I'm a double-digit loser.

Today was BodyStat (body statistics) check-in day and the one which sees me plugged into the mains for a few minutes while my hair stands on end. (Ok, it's not that serious, but you get the idea).

I've somehow lost a couple of percentage points in body fat and 8cms have gone from my waist. Not sure where these are - perhaps I lost them in the changing room.

BMI has also dropped a couple of points while the biggest recognisable figure is that big 10 - 10 kilos of weight shed (that's 22lbs in old money and just 6lbs short of my initial target).

Rather helpfully, Smiling Assassin (aka Helen Bye, personal trainer and sort-of good egg) also added in her best doctor's handwriting scrawl that I had 20kg still to lose (that's 3 stone). Thanks H.

Smiling Assassin was mostly on best behaviour today - introducing me to both the kettle bells and the kit bag. The kit bag is as it sounds - a heavy bag with straps which you flock up on to your arms and then back down). 

The kettle bells, however, have potential for major internal organ damage if you get the timing wrong. You swing them from between your legs (it's very elegant, as you can imagine) up to the point where your arms are pointing straight out in front of you. Repeat for 30 seconds. If you spot me holding one, stand well back for a few weeks until I get the hang of them.

The only thing which had really gone up noticeably on my BodyStat ("The truth about your body composition") was my age.

If you'd like to support my fund-raising via these gym sessions courtesy of the nice people at  Abbeycroft Leisure, pop on the web to where you can donate to the Beat It appeal. We're trying to raise £55k to buy a cancer scanner to detect prostate problems early in young men - and save lives.

Please help - just helping one young man and his family will have made all the sweating (and shouting from the Smiling Assassin) worth it.

Thank you for your support so far!

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