Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Birthday!

The temptations come fast and furious in my house in February.

After Valentine's (see earlier post) comes my birthday.

As we hit our mid to late-30s*, the body plays tricks on us and muscles which were supple and lithe as a 20-something, start to malfunction.

It was the most healthy birthday I've had in all my 30-something years. No booze, no chocs, no crisps and no fun. Grilled chicken and cous cous (that stuff's so good they named it twice).

The cake above is for illustrative purposes - I had a satsuma and a little pot of nuts for my treat.

 * Thanks to my eldest for bringing me back to earth with a resounding bump. I mentioned something about the mid to late-30s on Twitter. His reply?

"Yeah, the 1930s..."

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