Monday, February 18, 2013

Active rest

Can I have some clarification, please?

Today's personal trainer session with the Terminator Helen Bye got me to it just me she targets with her 'active rest'?

What's that? Well she loves to bang on about it - and it goes something like this.

"Right, give me 12 TRX pull-ups."


Then there's that bit when you finish the 12 and you just want to rest (well, die) - and she pipes up with some other blinking exercise to do in the 'active rest' period. Then it's into another set of 12 reps (see how the lingo is becoming second nature).

So there is no rest. Nil. Nothing. Zip. Nada.

Be're just pushing me until I cry/pass out/die. Wonder if she'd notice if I collapsed in a heap on the floor? Would that count as active rest?

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