Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The waiting game

I'm hoping there will be a letter on my doormat when I get home - giving me the final all-clear to exercise.
Helen Bye, my trainer-cum-torturer, has already been on trying to set up my first session for next week.
Does she know something I don't?
What struck me on Friday in the gym was how the majority of people in there were glowing and looked positively healthy.
Ah well, at least I'll be giving Helen something to work on!
Here are some pictures from that photo session, just so you know I'm serious.

                                                      The woman with a tough job: My
                                                      trainer Helen Bye. Hope she knows
                                                     what she has let herself in for...

                                         Fitness manager Matt Hickey and Helen couldn't wait
                                         to show me the boxing gloves.

                                        Abbeycroft's impressive gym facilities feature everything
                                        to keep you fit ... and a lot to make me very worried

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