Monday, January 28, 2013


I've just looked on the Abbeycroft Leisure website.
It's a lovely website, full of smiling people, all looking fit and like they could do with a good dose of calories.
Even the people taking part in spin, boxercise and zumba are all smiling.
I went along for my first session today - smiling, as I thought that was de rigeur.
Everyone else smiled back - I'm guessing they knew what was coming. Hell, I even turned up 15 minutes early to warm up.
And I was correct. Trainer Helen Bye (let's just call her the silent assassin) had me pulling, pushing, rotating, lifting and bending. The pulling and pushing were fine...boy was I smiling. But the rotating and bending proved a little more challenging to someone of a certain age and, ahem, fitness level.
I had warned Helen that I tended to swear under pressure (at least I got that part right).
And now I'm back in my nice office, sitting in my nice, comfy chair. I'll probably stay here until everyone else has gone tonight and then try to move...I hate to see grown men weep so my co-workers are probably the same.
Thanks Helen. All your own work!
I even texted her to let her know how much damage she had done.
"Hee hee" came the reply. I sense the honeymoon period is over.
That's her, below - she's holding a 5kg ball, which is fairly relevant.

                                                                      The silent assassin

I've now dropped 4.1kg which Google says is about 9lbs. I'm not too sure where it's gone - probably down the back of a sofa, but that's £18 in the charity kitty from me, the same from my partner and the nice Mike King at Rougham has also pledged cash this week so it's all worth it.
I'm meeting another potential fund-raiser tomorrow and both a charity golf day and a tombola are new on the horizon.
Perhaps I'll even get back to the leisure centre. I quite enjoyed it really.
I might feel differently come the morning.

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