Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The kit

Prostate ultrasound provides images of the prostate and surrounding tissue and allows a urologist to examine the gland for abnormalities (enlarged prostate)
TRUS (trans-rectal ultrasound and biopsy) can be used to diagnose prostate cancer in patients with an abnormal examination or elevated prostate blood test (called PSA). It involves taking small pieces of prostate tissue to be looked at under the microscope. The aim of a biopsy is to find any cancer that might cause symptoms or affect life expectancy.
At West Suffolk Hospital, specialist clinicians run three clinics a week to provide patients with rapid access to TRUS guided prostate biopsy. 
Each clinic sees four to six patients and over the year the equipment is used to test between 900 and 1,000 patients.
The Bury Free Press/West Suffolk Hospital Beat It! Campaign is aiming to raise money to buy the latest TRUS guided prostate biopsy machine, which will run along side of and eventually replace the current equipment which is now 10 years old.
Today’s equipment is smaller, more portable (important on the occasions the procedure needs to be carried out in a theatre) - and provides specialist clinicians with top quality images.

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