Friday, April 12, 2013

Heidi Hi (2)

I'm looking forward to welcoming three new faces to the gym in the coming weeks.

Today's Bury Free Press has the story on page 11 - here's the long and short of it:

A trio of Bury Free Press reading gym-dodgers are getting set to dust off their sweatbands and leotards as they take on a fitness challenge.
Mark Thompson, Nicola Buckle and Heather Bream have taken up the Active St Eds gauntlet after winning Abbeycroft Leisure’s competition to win a 12-month gym membership and help from a fitness instructor - worth nearly £500.
The trio will be joined in the gym by Bury Free Press  editor, Barry Peters, as he continues his challenge to lose as much weight as possible for our Beat It! Appeal.
The winners bagged their membership after convincing us  and Abbeycroft Leisure that they were looking to get active.
Ms Buckle, 26, from Brandon, said she had been fit while at school, but had put on weight after the death of her father.
“I have been trying to lose weight for about seven years and I’ve tried different things that haven’t worked - I felt like I needed some help,” she said.
Ms Bream, 36, from Bury, said she had last been a gym member 10 years ago, but family life had knocked her fitness regime.
“I have had three children and never managed to get my fitness back.
“The problem is that I’m rubbish at exercise and eat too much chocolate!” she said.
Mr Thompson, 50, from the Bury area, said he wanted to get back in shape after ‘letting myself go’.
“I had hip surgery around 10 years ago and I’ve put on a lot of weight since.
“I find it very daunting to go in the  gym because I’m not that way inclined but this was a good way to get fit again,” he said.
Helen Bye, fitness instructor - who has been dubbed ‘the Smiling Assassin’ by Mr Peters due to her gruelling workouts - will be taking the winners through their paces.
She said: “We’ll give them each a tailored programme to get the most out of their time here and it will be tough - there will definitely be some mild discomfort at first!
“Hopefully these guys can be an inspiration to people who don’t feel like they can get out there and get fit.”

Here's our pics:

                                        NO PAIN, NO GAIN: Mark Thompson, Heather Bream
                                        and Nicola Buckle with Abbeycroft Leisure fitness instructor
                                        Helen Bye

My earlier post about Heidi will hopefully now become obvious - just take a look at the Smiling Assassin's hair...well she can be cruel to me every week, so I thought I'd get a little bit of revenge in.

Notice, too, how she's smiling in every picture - she's looking forward to being just as mean to them as she is to me.

Good luck Mark, Heather and Nicola - please come and say Hi in the gym if you notice me coughing and spluttering on some piece of equipment - I'm usually too puffed out to notice anything other than my water bottle.

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