Friday, April 19, 2013


Doesn't seem much, does it.

When I stand on the scales on Monday morning, I'm hoping they will read 0.6kg less than a couple of weeks ago - and that will be my initial target achieved of a couple of stones lost.

Sadly, Smiling Assassin Helen Bye has said I can't just top and go back to my usual healthy diet of crisps, crisps and more crisps (with a few crisps sprinkled on top). Oh no, she's got me signed up until the end of December...saying I'm just a third of the way to my real target.

But she has promised me some ridge crisps for Christmas. She's all heart.

My progress was noticed by Bury Free Press news editor Lesley Anslow this week in a backhanded way.

"Oi - you need  to get a smaller shirt," she said.

Progress indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going Ed you're getting noticeable smaller. Very impressed by your dedication and not a crisp in sight!
