Friday, December 6, 2013

A week to go...

Little did I imagine back in January that I'd be sitting here today a slimmer soul.

Inches have melted from my waist and precious pressure has eased from my veins. Heck, I've even bought some clothing without an 'X' anywhere on its label.

Ok, this time next week (barring a trip to the chippie) I'll be more than £100 worse off but I would have happily coughed up that amount back in January (you may recall I pledged £2 for every lb I lost...that equates to about 56lb so £112 as of today).

Yesterday, I received the draft from the nice people at Abbeycroft of my poster campaign: yes, I'm one of the new cover stars for their Inspire campaign. So when you see my ugly mug imploring you to exercise, don't just dismiss it. If I can do it, anyone can...and that means you.

Eat less, exercise more and reshape your life. That's what Smiling Assassin Helen Bye told me back in January. She was smiling then and I don't think she thought I could do it. But thanks to her, the lovely team at Abbeycroft and all of you who have sponsored me for our Beat It! appeal, I've pretty much got where I wanted for 2013. That's Helen, below, posing for the camera in full make-up.

I've huffed and puffed. I've sweated and looked very silly doing things at the gym which a man of 48 just shouldn't do. I'd like to apologise, too, to all the proper gym-goers for my lack of fitness back in January and for leaving so much sweat everywhere.

My defining moments have been numerous.

- Dropping one trouser size was great - but falling a shocking 12 inches to fit in 36 Next jeans was a dream come true.

- Running. Yes, running. Just a few weeks ago, I felt like running, so I did. Just for 30 seconds, but I ran. And I smiled so much afterwards I strained my facial muscles. I now run for 8 mins or so on the treadmill and am building that up gradually.

- My old mum. For years, she'd been chuffing on about how large I'd got. Now she says I shouldn't lose any more. Well, you can't win 'em all!

My one remaining aim this year is to see the Beat It! appeal reach that magical £55,000 mark. We've hit the £50k mark so there's a little push to go and we may just get there. That would make the whole year seem so worthwhile so please back the final few bits of fund-raising across the town this week.

For 2014, I'll be a paying member of the gym. I've said I want to lose a further 2 stones and will need to keep going to maintain where I've got to and push on further. Abbeycroft have been so supportive this year with their support in financing my year that I owe it to them as much as anyone to keep training.

So, sorry gym-bunnies, you ain't seen the last of me waving my butt around the mats or teetering on the edge of collapse on the treadmill. But you love me really...don't you?

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